Terms and Conditions of Use

If you want to use this website, then you must agree to abide by the following terms and conditions. If you don’t like them, you are free to visit other websites providing similar services.

You should also read my Privacy Policy which can be found here.

Blue Bottle Tree Insiders

If you are purchasing a subscription to our polymer clay community The Blue Bottle Tree Insiders, Insiders has a separate set of Terms and Conditions, which can be found here.

The Blue Bottle Tree

The Blue Bottle Tree is a “DBA”, or trading name of Davis-Allman, LLC.

The postal Mailing address is:
Davis-Allman, LLC
610-A E. Battlefield #102
Springfield, MO 65807


The Blue Bottle Tree provides information, advice, commentary, tutorials, and links about polymer clay, arts and crafts, and living a creative life. By providing this information, I do not assume any liability for your use of this information. Any craft and hobby activities have potential hazards which include a risk of injury or death, and each person participating in these activities needs to understand the risks involved, obtain the necessary equipment and take the needed precautions.

In using This Site, you recognize this, assume all risks of property damage, personal injury, and death, and agree to hold The Blue Bottle Tree and Davis-Allman, LLC harmless from any liability as a result of your use of the information provided in these pages.

In plain English: you are responsible for your own safety.

Some Definitions

This Site (also this website, our site, our sites, etc.) — Refers to any web presence managed under the auspices of ‘The Blue Bottle Tree’ brand. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • https://thebluebottletree.com
  • https://bluebottletree.com
  • https://bluebottleinsiders.com
  • https://clay.tips
  • https://community.thebluebottletree.com
  • https://learn.thebluebottletree.com
  • https://gingerdavisallman.com

Sites that are owned by Davis-Allman, LLC for future projects and development.

  • https://insidepolymerclay.com
  • https://polymerclay.tips
  • https://polymerclaylove.com
  • https://polymerclay.love
  • https://polymerclaystories.com
  • https://polymerstories.com

General Terms of Use

You may use the content of This Site online only, and solely for your personal, non-commercial use, and you may download or print a single copy of any portion of This Site solely for your personal, non-commercial use, provided you do not remove any trademark, copyright, other notice or identifying text or images from the material you download.

Except where stated on This Site and in these Terms and Conditions of Use, you may not republish any of the content on any Internet, Intranet, extranet site or any other online or offline publication, or incorporate the content in any database, compilation, archive, cache, or similar medium. You may not distribute any copies of our text and images to others, whether you are paid in any way or not, and you may not archive, modify, copy, frame, cache, reproduce, sell, publish, transmit, display or otherwise use any portion of This Site.

Fair Use Guide:

You may re-post short extracts from this website as long as you agree to the following terms:

  • Attribution & Link – Any excerpt or image taken from This Site must include a link back to the original post, and it must also contain a clear human-readable acknowledgment that the material is taken from thebluebottletree.com.
  • Limited Republishing – You may not copy an entire post or page.
  • Noncommercial Use – You cannot use my content for commercial gain without prior permission.
  • RSS Feed – You may not republish my RSS feed in full on any site without prior permission.

Scraping and Copying and Plagiarism (Oh my!)

  • You are not allowed to monitor, copy, scrape/crawl, download, reproduce, or otherwise use anything on This Site for any commercial purpose without my written permission. This includes using anything taken from This Site to develop or train artificial intelligence or to perform computer analysis for the purposes of generating text, images or any other content or derivative works based on, or using This Site’s content, whether or not it is reproduced in the same or a similar style, or even attributed to ‘The Blue Bottle Tree,’ Ginger Davis Allman, or Davis-Allman LLC.


The above restrictions to scraping and crawling of This Site do not apply to:

  • Search engine and search agents generally available via third-party web browsers.
  • Non-commercial internet archiving solely for prosperity.
  • Such sites that we and our authorized staff may use from time to time for site monitoring, security and compliance checking.

In plain English: If you’re using or thinking about using my content in a way that does not meet the above terms, please contact me before proceeding any further. Google search, DuckDuckGo, and Bing search, you’re all good to go!


This website is written in English. If you would like to reproduce the material for your website in another language, please contact me. Permission and a license may be granted on a case-by-case basis. The following conditions are required:

  • The material must be hand-translated by someone who speaks the second language. I will not permit republication of my website’s content that is merely an automatic software translation.
  • The used material must be prefaced with an explanation making it very clear that the article is written by Ginger Davis Allman and that your translation is a re-publication from The Blue Bottle Tree. You may also credit the person who created the translation.
  • My logo must be clearly displayed near the beginning of the translated article, and that logo image must link to this website. A suitable logo will be provided with the license.
  • All photos used in the article must link back to the original article on this website.
  • My name and website URL must be listed again at the end of the translated content as well.
  • Permission to use the material may be revoked at any time.

Age limitations

Because of the constraints of data protection laws, This Site is intended for the use of adults only. If you are are not legally considered to be an adult where you live you cannot access This Site unless you are in the presence of a competent adult who is monitoring your activity. Unfortunately, you may not comment or place an order.

Third-party Content on This Site

I strive to ensure that any third-party content on This Site is correctly attributed and that it is used within the terms of the owners’ own fair use policy where one exists. If I have accidentally erroneously attributed or used any material, please let me know immediately via my contact me page.

Trademark Information

All brands or product names are the property of their respective owners. Any use of trademarked names, logos, or other brands is merely informational, and use does not constitute an endorsement of that brand or the company that makes it.

Affiliate Disclosure

Some of the links on this website may be affiliate links. That means if you click on them and make a purchase, The Blue Bottle Tree may be paid a commission. This affiliate relationship does not increase the price of your purchase.

If you are considering or have purchased via one of my affiliate links, thank you. You are helping support my work at no additional cost to you.

I only use affiliate links when I have a reasonable belief (based on my research and or experience) that a product or service may be of value to visitors to this website. However, you must still make your own assessment as to the value and utility of any products or services offered. I normally disclose affiliate relationships in the same post or on the same page as the affiliate link appears. This may take the form of the word “affiliate link” near the link in question, sometimes it may take the form of a disclosure applied to the entire post or page.

The Blue Bottle Tree is a member of the Amazon Associate program, and as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

In plain English: I don’t normally get paid to say or endorse things, but if I ever do, I will let you know.

Reviews and Endorsements

From time-to-time manufacturers and suppliers provide me, free of charge, with products for my review, consideration, or even just as a gift. My acceptance of these products is not conditional on any action on my part. I may (or may not) evaluate and write a review on the product, and all of what I write will be 100% my opinion and my experience. I may instead use the product in producing examples for future articles or even reviews on other products. (For example, I might use a gifted flower cane in demonstration of a cane slicer tool that I am reviewing.)

Anytime I obviously use or feature a supplied product or material, I will typically include a mention and link to the website of the company that provided the material.

When I review a product, I am reviewing the product itself and not the supplier. As a service to my readers who may wish to purchase the product, I will include a list of suppliers and websites where the product may be purchased. In some cases, this means that competitors will be listed as well as the company that provided the material for review. However, any company that provides materials for review will receive a prioritized clear and obvious credit and link in my review article.

I do not accept materials with conditions attached to them. I will not write things that I believe to be untrue. I strive for honesty and accuracy in everything that I write, and it’s my promise to my readers that I will provide truthful information and share actual experiences with the product to the best of my abilities.

The use of brand names in this website should not be interpreted to be an endorsement of that brand name. I use brand names merely for clarity and for the ease of assisting my readers to find the products that best work for them.

In plain English: If you send me something, I’ll do my best to write about it honestly and accurately. But I will not lie about it. The use of brand names is not an endorsement.

Feedback and Supplied Materials

Except where expressly provided otherwise by The Blue Bottle Tree, all comments, feedback, information, or materials submitted to The Blue Bottle Tree through or in association with this website shall be considered non-confidential and the property of The Blue Bottle Tree. By submitting such comments, feedback, information, or materials to me, you agree to a free-of-charge assignment to me of all worldwide rights, title, and interest in copyrights and other intellectual property rights to the comments, feedback, information, or materials. I shall be free to use such comments, feedback, information, or materials on an unrestricted basis.

In plain English: I want to be able to use any material you provide to me on this website and elsewhere without having to contact you first and without fear of your trying to charge me for using something you have already freely given to me.

Advertising Disclosure

I do not accept any form of cash advertising, sponsorship, or paid topic insertions. However, I will and do accept and keep free products, services, travel, event tickets, and other forms of compensation from companies and organizations. The compensation received will never influence the content, topics, or posts made in this blog.

I am not compensated to provide opinions on products, services, websites, and various other topics. The views and opinions expressed on this website are purely my own. If I claim or appear to be an expert on a certain topic or product or service area, I will only endorse products or services that I believe, based on my expertise, are worthy of such endorsement. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider.

This website does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.

In plain English: Just because I have an opinion doesn’t mean someone paid me to say it. I’m going to be honest about my opinions to the best of my experience and ability.

Comments & Feedback Policy

I welcome and encourage your comments and feedback. If you decide to join the conversation and contribute your thoughts, here are a few things to consider.

If your comment has a question, I will reply as quickly as possible. Bear in mind I have a family and a full, busy life. I may not necessarily know the answer to your question, but I may be able to point you in the direction of someone who does. Time constraints may mean that I can’t answer you in as much detail as I’d like to, or I may hold over the topic for an upcoming article.

Disrespectful and overly critical comments are not acceptable. Period. Disagreement and differing viewpoints are fine. They are part of life, and life would be very boring if we all thought the same way. Feel free to discuss and disagree, but be respectful. Life’s hard enough as it is – let’s keep things pleasant. This is a ‘no troll’ zone.

Be careful to only talk for yourself – don’t tell me what you think other posters are thinking – let them tell us themselves.

In plain English: be nice. It’s that simple.

Links To Third Party Sites

This Site contains hypertext links to Web sites controlled by parties other than me, who may or may not be as nice as I am. I am not responsible for and do not necessarily endorse the contents or use of such Web sites.

Warranties and Additional Disclaimers

The information provided on This Site may be out of date or include omissions, inaccuracies, or other errors.

Except where expressly provided otherwise in an agreement between you and The Blue Bottle Tree, all information provided directly on this website or indirectly through this website by hypertext link or otherwise is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind. The Blue Bottle Tree hereby disclaims all warranties with respect to this information, whether express or implied, including the implied warranties of merchantability, satisfactory quality, and fitness for a particular purpose.

In no event shall The Blue Bottle Tree be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages, or damages for loss of profits, revenue, data, or use, incurred by you or any third party, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, arising from your access to, use of, or reliance upon information obtained from or through this website. The Blue Bottle Tree reserves the right to make changes, updates, or corrections to the information on this website at any time without notice.

In plain English: The information and guidance I give could be wrong, not applicable in your circumstances, or out of date. Take responsibility for your own actions. When in doubt, check the facts for yourself.

Supplied Data

The Blue Bottle Tree reserves the right to amend material supplied for editorial purposes only. Otherwise, I will not edit or censor the data you provide. If I become aware that any data provided is soliciting, collecting, or broadcasting prohibited information, violates applicable laws, or violates my terms of use or those of any applicable third party, I reserve the right to remove the offending data immediately without notice to the data’s owner. If you have any specific questions about privacy or security on This Site, please contact me.

E-mail Policy

I don’t like spam, and I won’t send you unsolicited bulk e-mail. Customers may rarely receive a specific email for the purpose of allowing them to obtain the most current information about their purchase, such as tutorial updates.

It is my policy to:

  • Only send subscribers mail which I hope will be of value to them
  • Minimize the number of mailings I make whilst providing a reasonable level of service
  • Limit the size of mailings to minimize their impact on my subscribers’ networks and computer systems
  • Only augment my mailing lists from voluntary, opt-in address submissions on my website, social media sign-up forms, and individual requests
  • Not share my mailing lists with any third parties
  • Always include an unsubscribe option or link with my mailings, unless it is a direct, personal email from me to you or a transactional email concerning a purchase you have made from me.

In plain English: I will not spam you.

E-mail Lists

Our existing email lists have been created from my own opt-in facilities on this website, on social media, and on forms provided by my email list service.

I maintain the following e-mail lists:

  • Subscribers: potential users of my services.
  • Customers: my current and past customers.

If you think you have been subscribed to the wrong list or are receiving multiple e-mails, please contact me.

In plain English: if you received a bulk email as part of a mailing from me, then at some point you joined my mailing list.


Please contact me using the General Inquiries Form.

And finally…

If you don’t like my terms and conditions, I’m sorry to see you go, but to show there are no hard feelings, here’s a list of other sites that might be able to help you.


  • 10-12-2024 – Links to the Terms and Conditions for Blue Bottle Tree Insiders added.
  • 04-25-2024 – All ‘Contact Me’ links updated to go directly to the General Inquiries Form page to save visitors a couple of taps/mouse clicks.
  • 04-17-2024 – Text regarding our Amazon Associate membership and a ‘Thank you’ added to the Affiliate Disclaimer.
  • 01-07-2024 – Reorganized the Copyright section, adding a new ‘General Terms of Use‘ all of which is essentially covered by Copyright law, but it seems that we have to state the obvious for some folk. We added text relating to training LLM (AI), Content Scraping, and general shenanigans resulting in the plagiarism and misquoting of the content of This Site. We’ve added a Definitions section so that we can have one common Terms and Conditions of Use page, rather than maintaining dozens of them all over the interwebs. We also changed the title of this page to include ‘of Use’ just to make it extra clear that by using This Site, you are agreeing to these terms.
  • 11-07-2023 – We adjusted the copyright statement to make is doubly clear that we hold the copyright of our content, both text and images. The word ‘content’ really isn’t ambiguous, but for those people stealing text and images from This Site we wanted to make it crystal clear.
  • 01-20-2023 – Changed the wording ‘Trading name‘ to ‘DBA’ because that’s what they are called here in Missouri. DBA is a dreaded TLA (Three letter Acronym) for ‘Doing Business As.’ We later changed our minds and adjusted the text to include both terms! We also clarified some of the wording in the Email Policy.
  • 08-05-2023 – References to ‘The Muse’ (a subscription email list replaced by ‘Insiders’) removed.
  • 12-16-2018 – Added generic text covering all subscription-based content.
  • 11-26-2018 – Minor updates, plus the inclusion of text covering paid email subscriptions.
  • 05-25-2018 – Our postal zip code changed to 65807. In response to international data protection laws, we added Age limitations. Link to our Privacy Policy added.
  • 06-17-2016 – Added ‘Use of brand names is not an endorsement.’ to clarify this point. It shouldn’t be necessary, duh!
  • 10-24-2016 – Made the language throughout more personable by changing ‘we’ to ‘I’ where appropriate. Made it clear that at our discretion, we may or may not review supplied materials.
  • 01-26-2015 – Inclusion of social media sign-up forms in the Email policy. Updated the copyright holder to be the parent company (Davis-Allman LLC), plus minor, inconsequential structural changes — We moved two headings!
  • 07-12-2014 – Minor grammatical corrections.
  • 07-07-2013 – First (recorded!) release.

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